We're happy to inform that our documentary full-length movie 'The Naked King. 18 Fragments on Revolution' directed by Andreas Hoessli has been awarded with the main award VIKTOR Main Competition DOK.international at DOK.fest...
We're proud to inform that our project of feature film directed and written by Kuba Czekaj, 'Lipstick on the Glass', received another financial support of German fund Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg! The shooting of the film...
We're glad to inform that our team: producer Paweł Kosuń and director Filip Kasperaszek are attending Festival SERIES MANIA with our newest project "State of Emergency" as the last part...
From 22nd of February 2019 our 'Pardon' directed and written by Jan Jakub Kolski will have it's official cinema release. The cinema distribution will be nation wild and from today the...
We're proud to inform that our project of feature film directed and written by Kuba Czekaj, 'Lipstick on the Glass', received the financial support of German fund MDM Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung! The shooting of the...
We're proud to inform that our project of feature debut by Piotr Stasik, 'Time of Gods', received the financial support of Polish Film Institute within Mikrobudżety programme. Project was developed...